
Above Photo by Bob Nguyen

baby girl swimming underwater

I’ve been in love with the water my entire life.

My earliest memories involve being in the ocean. I grew up on the beaches in Florida and have been an avid snorkeler from an early age. That love for the ocean brought me to freediving and I haven’t looked back since.

I became a freedive instructor to share my passion for the ocean and the sport of freediving with others. The ocean needs our help. My hope is to instill in others a love for the ocean and its creatures to help facilitate change for the better.

An unexpected benefit of freediving is improved mental health. Freediving is an incredible tool to create moments of mindfulness in our lives. I am incredibly passionate about sharing this with as many people as I can.

I’m currently learning how to sail. One day I’ll own a sailboat, travel the world by sea, and freedive the most beautiful places on Earth.

Photo by Josh Munoz

I’m stoked to share all of these passions with you!

With much Aloha,
